Greg Freer Named Principal at MHHS

Livingstone Range School Division is pleased to announce that Greg Freer has been named Principal of Matthew Halton High School (MHHS) in Pincher Creek. Greg has been Acting Principal since September 2020.
“We are pleased to have Greg continue to be a leader at Matthew Halton High School. He understands the school community very well having worked at MHHS for many years and living in the community of Pincher Creek for 12 years. We are confident that he is committed to honouring the culture and traditions of the school community while charting a clear path forward to continued greatness,” says Superintendent Darryl Seguin.
Prior to his responsibilities as Acting Principal, Greg was the Assistant Principal at MMHS for 4.5 years and has 27 years of teaching and leadership experience as a Humanities teacher, academic advisor, and student council advisor, and is a member of the LRSD Administration Leader to Leader Committee. He holds a Bachelor of Education and Masters of Education in Educational Leadership, both from the University of Alberta.
“I am both honored and excited to be able to continue in the role of principal at MHHS,” says Greg. “I look forward to continuing the work with all of our stakeholders including students, parents, staff, and the communities we serve.”
Congratulations to Greg on his leadership role at Matthew Halton High School.